Path completion in "Go to path"

May 2017 · 1 minute read

Marta 0.2.1 is out! ✨

This is a maintenance release with only a few number of the new features. Much more coming soon!

This version brings the “Go to path” completion, non-sheet dialog windows, a context menu for breadcrumbs, and a number of bugfixes. As always, you can read the full list of changes in the changelog.

Path completion

“Go to path” completion was one of the mostly requested features. In Marta 0.2.1 you can press Tab to activate the completion:

Path completion

The completion menu will be displayed in case if more than one variant is available. If there’s nothing to choose from, the path will be completed automatically.

By default, Marta uses the native macOS sheet dialogs. I don’t really like sheets because of the animation: it’s pretty slow and it can’t be configured or turned off (well, you can change the animation duration globally using the Terminal but nobody really does it).

So I provided a way to use the ordinary dialogs. Just change the behavior/sheetDialogs configuration value to false, and that’s it.

Modal dialogs

Context menu for breadcrumbs

Now you can copy the absolute path of any breadcrumb segment by right-clicking on a target segment and selecting “Copy path”:

Breadcrumbs menu

Stay tuned and have a happy Marta! ☀️